sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012


Recorded by Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe: The present police investigation was initiated by self Prison in flagrante delicto, as shown in the records that on August 9, 2012 at 14hs30min in the street Donald Kelman, 253, Rio Branco in Sao Vicente Santos Pereira Jovane and other cohorts, under serious threat from a firearm surrendered the deliverers of the Brazilian Post, Renato Anastasius Caetano, and Robert Roemer who delivered orders and forced them to drive the van to a thicket, where he unloaded the vehicle and then were released under threat of death to call the police. But the victims called the police, who moments later was able to hold one of three robbers who carried the orders still part of the stolen cargo. The military police officers who participated in the arrest of Jovane were heard (pgs 2-5). The staff of the Post Office that were stolen, narrated the facts (pgs 6-6 A). The Jovane was interrogated and confessed to the crime (07 pgs). Some of the stolen goods stolen were recovered (pgs 14-15) and returned to the Post Office official (16 pgs). Jovane was formally indicted (pgs 20-22). A detailed list of goods stolen and recovered have been attached to the file (pgs 23-37). Photos of various angles of flagranciado (38 pgs). Jovane the DVC (39 pgs). The authorities were informed about the arrest of Jovane (pgs 50-53). Therefore, I submit the present case the high appreciation of Your Excellency for the appropriate action.

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